
Difficulties With Attention or Distractability

Difficulties with attention or distractibility, impulsive behaviour and managing our emotions can affect our participation in meaningful occupations within the home, family life and the community including employment and social situations. This can cause significant...

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As a parent we often worry about whether our children are meeting milestones and developing appropriately in a wide range of areas. Sometimes it can be clear when a child is having difficulty and for others it can be hard to determine if being slightly...

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Attention and Concentration

Attention and Concentration

Attention and concentration are important skills for children to be able to interact and engage appropriately in a variety on environments. When children struggle with these skills it can greatly impact on their academic performance regardless of their...

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Following and Leading in Relationships

Following and Leading in Relationships

Following and leading in relationships can be important concepts to understand and apply because they have a large bearing on self-esteem and the building or diminishing trust over time. While these principles apply to all relationships, let's start by focussing on...

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Anger As A Secondary Emotion

Anger As A Secondary Emotion

Anger is such an interesting emotion. It is so misunderstood and seen as something Bad. There is no question that anger can be scary. But it is not in itself bad. The "badness" so to speak is when: it causes fear in those around us where fear is not useful...

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What is a Sensory Diet?

What is a Sensory Diet?

  Have you recently found out that your child has Sensory Processing Difficulties? If so it may have been suggested that a sensory diet would be helpful. You may be wondering how your child’s diet can help them to process sensory input more effectively, however a...

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