
 SleepAdelaide Night and Day Family Therapy Sleep Therapy Bear Sleep

All of us can have sleep difficulties from time to time.  Sleep problems can affect mood, relationships, performance in all spheres including study, sports, family and  work. We can assist you with looking at your sleep, its patterns and its affect and finding a solution.

Children with sleeping difficulties can affect the sleep and performance of the whole family. We can help parents better understand typical sleep and the needs of  their child and create individualised sleep plans.


Some of the processes used

Our Principal Occupational Therapist, Johanna deKort, has advanced training in sleepwise program

You can have a comprehensive sleep assessment with broad approach to intervention

Some common areas of intervention

Bedtime routine and environment
Emotional, attachment, sensory, communication, behavioural and systemic approaches
Reduce sleep disturbances
Night waking,
Difficulty with self soothing,
Limit setting,
Partial arousal and inadequate sleep routines and practices

Make an appointment with one of our Practitioners

Give us a call on 08 8351 6664 to make an appointment, ask questions, or discuss your needs further so we can understand how we can help you better. However, if you need help with an issue but you’re not ready to make a call, leave a message below.
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