Difficulties with attention or distractibility, impulsive behaviour and managing our emotions can affect our participation in meaningful occupations within the home, family life and the community including employment and social situations. This can cause significant stress for individuals as it becomes more often, noticeable and affecting the quality of life.

For individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), these difficulties can form part of their experience, in their own individualised way.

Individuals may experience difficulties with time management due to distractibility or inattention. Therefore, being able to plan and organise activities, and fulfil goals can be challenging and stressful. This can be felt within the workplace when allocated tasks with a deadline to be met, maintaining tidiness and cleanliness of the home, cooking a meal, or even holding a conversation in a social setting, and noticing and responding appropriately to social cues and dynamics.

Occupational Therapists can assist individuals to make changes in their life that will help increase their ability with time management, planning and organisation skills, to enable consistent participation in meaningful occupation through the establishment of routines and habits. Furthermore, identification and implementation of purposeful, enjoyable activities to support stress management in balancing life demands.

For more information or to book a consultation with one of our Occupational Therapists, call 8351 6664.

Louisa Di Fiore

Mental Health Occupational Therapist