Category Core Strength

As a parent we often worry about whether our children are meeting milestones and developing appropriately in a wide range of areas. Sometimes it can be clear when a child is having difficulty and for others it can be hard…
How Can I Develop My Child’s Core Muscle Strength?
Core Strength: How Can I Use Activities To Help Develop My Child’s Trunk Muscles Did you ever wonder what a “trunk” is? Well you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking of the big long like nose of an elephant, but did…
How Do I Make Playdough to Strengthen My Child’s Hands?
Did you know there are 27 bones in each hand? What better way to put little hands to good use than with PLAYDOUGH!! The more kids manipulate it, the more it can help build up strength their little hands! When…
How Can I Use Outdoor Play And Indoor Fun To Help My Child’s Hand Strength, Posture And Balance?
Fun in the yard helps hand skills. Climbing, crawling, swinging are a fun ways to work out little arms. Lifting, pushing and pulling helps strengthen their little tummies, arms and hands! When you provide your child with the opportunity to…