Covid-19 Client and Staff Attendance Policy

This policy is effective as of November 19, 2021

1. Purpose

This policy was written to demonstrate the strong commitment of the management and all staff of Adelaide Night And Day Family Therapy to COVID-19 safety and establishing and maintaining a safe environment in all activities. The purpose is also to keep us open and fulfilling our duty of care to clients, our staff and each other.

[button link=”″ type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Covid-19 Attendance Declaration[/button]

2. Context

This policy reflects our commitment to provide a safe environment where every person has the right to be treated with respect and is safe and protected from abuse.

It complies with our obligations under the SA Police, SA Health and WH&S rules.

It is also part of our endeavour to be a safe Workplace.

Date applies: Tuesday the 23nd of November, 2021

3. Scope

This policy, from the date of endorsement, applies to all employees and other individuals involved in the organisation, including:

  • Employees (permanent and casual)
  • Licensees
  • Directors
  • Managers including Directors and the Practice Manager
  • Volunteers
  • Work experience students
  • Any other worker who is working from our premises

It also includes other individuals involved in the practice who may come onto our premises including:

  • Contractors and Subcontractors (both health professionals and otherwise)
  • Other professionals who sublet space within our premises or programs
  • Indirect service providers

An example of indirect service provider may be a computer technician who has, as a result of their work for Adelaide Night And Day Family Therapy, has access to private client files, and as such would fall within the above definition.

Note: In this policy, the term “employee” is intended to cover all persons occupying any position listed above

This policy directly effects Clients and any who attend the clinic with them.

4. The policy

At Adelaide Night And Day Family Therapy we are working to keep all our clients and staff as safe as possible during this confusing time around COVID-19 and the opening of borders. Please note that we are an Allied Health facility and as such are required to follow SA Health directives, protocols and rules, that may feel uncomfortable, intrusive and even annoying.

In particular, we will be introducing the following policy on Tuesday the 23nd of November, 2021, to satisfy statutory work health and safety obligations to staff, clients and others, so far as is reasonably practicable and in line with SA Health guidelines to minimise risk of transmission of COVID 19 in our community. This policy will be adapted in line with further SA Health guidance as things change over time but will be in place till further notice.

Any exposure to the virus can cause us to close down our services at a moment’s notice, and any staff or clients to quarantine. We apologise for any difficulty this causes, clients are asked to talk to their a practitioner during your session or our administration.

Practitoners, please discuss difficulties with your clinical lead.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this policy.

Please note that many of our face-to-face services can be moved to telehealth either through our secure video conferencing software or telephone.

Because we will see some NDIS clients and carers who do not hold the double vaccination status for an approved vaccination or legal exemption, we will need all clients to respect our protocols.

These protocols include:

  • Not coming to your appointment if you have any of the prescribed symptoms, and moving immediately to telehealth.
  • Wearing masks at all times unless you have provided us with written exemption from a medical professional.
  • Not consuming food or beverages on the premises and during session except water (unless therapeutically required).
  • Answering all screening questions that are sent to you via email and sms and filled in prior to your appointment on the same day.
  • Declare your COVID19 vaccination status or exemption if over 12 years old.
  • If the client shows their vaccination certificate we will record that status in our practice management software.
    1. ANDFT staff will record the outcome within Halaxy
  • Keeping 1.5 metres distance from staff or other clients. (except where practitioners need to approach and are gloved and masked).
  • Checking in with the QR Code and showing the tick either to administration or your practitioner.
  • Washing your hands for 20 seconds before moving to the waiting area or consulting room.
  • Having your temperature taken on entry.
  • Enter the clinic only at the time of your appointment and not earlier. (We apologise if your therapist is running late. We will have some seating outside available if you prefer to sit outside, socially distanced).
  • Please do not bring additional members of the family including siblings unless needed for the appointment.

Non-Vaccinated Clients or Carers

If you are over 12 and cannot declare that you are double vaccinated then we ask you to let us know this in advance of your appointment so we can discuss your options. Please notify us of your arrival by phoning reception and wait in your car until we speak to you.

We will, for the moment, continue to see unvaccinated clients. However, clients will be asked to stay in their car until time of appointment and then come to the session without waiting in waiting areas.

Any practitioner has the right to refuse to see unvaccinated clients.

Final comments

Adelaide Night And Day Family Therapy will continue to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission (e.g. disinfecting, hygiene practices, social distancing, practitioner and client vaccination, temperature checks); however, please understand that there is still a risk that you may be exposed to COVID-19 as a result of attending a face-to-face appointment being around both vaccinated or unvaccinated clients. We will be pleased to offer telehealth when it is the most suitable and safe form of service delivery for you.

We thank you for your ongoing understanding as we navigate the new norm we are all facing together and ask you to fill in this form prior to attending on the day of your appointment or when you arrive.

If you are an ANDFT client please contact the Principal Therapist, Brett Williams on 0419806700.

Make an appointment with one of our Practitioners

Give us a call on 08 8351 6664 to make an appointment, ask questions, or discuss your needs further so we can understand how we can help you better. However, if you need help with an issue but you’re not ready to make a call, leave a message below.
Contact Form